When Can I Workout After Wisdom Teeth Removal 2024: Experts Explain

Resuming your exercise routine after dental surgery can be tricky. Find out “How long can I workout after wisdom teeth removal?” with our expert guidelines for a safe return to fitness.

When Can I Workout After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Importance of Recovery Time

Following your wisdom teeth removal, it’s essential to allocate adequate recovery time to allow the extraction sites to heal correctly.

Rest is paramount in the first 24 hours; engaging in physical activity too soon can increase blood flow and may lead to bleeding or the dislodgment of the crucial blood clots that form in the sockets, a condition known as dry sockets.

Every individual’s recovery period is unique, and your oral surgeon or dentist will give you personalized instructions. The American Dental Association underscores the importance of these instructions to ensure proper healing.

  • Days 1-2: Rest with minimal activity to manage swelling and discomfort.
  • Day 3-4: Gradual return to non-strenuous activities as your healthcare professional advises.

Healing Process

The healing process post-wisdom teeth removal unfolds over several stages. Initially, a blood clot forms to protect the underlying bone and nerves. It’s vital to maintain these clots to prevent complications like dry sockets.

Adhering to good oral hygiene while avoiding actions that could disturb the extraction site is essential.

  • Avoid Spitting, smoking, or using a straw, which can dislodge the blood clot.
  • Maintain: After meals, gently rinse with salt water to keep the area clean.

Swelling and discomfort often decrease after the first few days, leading to an increased ability for physical activity.

Easing Back into Physical Activity

A person is slowly walking on a path in a peaceful natural setting, surrounded by trees and birds chirping. They are taking gentle steps and breathing deeply, showing signs of relaxation and readiness to ease back into physical activity

Safe Initial Exercises

Start with low-impact exercises designed to increase blood circulation without stressing your healing wounds. Here’s a simple list for your first ventures back into physical activity:

  • Walking: A leisurely walk is a fantastic way to keep active.
  • Gentle stretching: Focus on light movements to maintain flexibility.
  • Yoga: Opt for poses that don’t involve strenuous jaw movement or inversions.

Keep these sessions short and sweet. Listen to your body; if you feel pain or discomfort, take it as a sign to rest.

Resuming More Intense Workouts

After the 4-7 days safe zone—with your dentist’s clearance—you can begin to incorporate more strenuous activities into your workout routine. Here’s how to progress:

  1. Light exercise: Start by gradually increasing the duration and intensity of walking or add light jogging.
  2. Swimming: Once the risk of bleeding or infection is minimal, you might enjoy swimming but avoid strenuous strokes initially.
  3. High-intensity workouts: Avoid these until you’re at least a week into recovery or as per your dentist’s advice.

Post-Operative Care and Concerns

A person resting in bed with ice packs on their cheeks, a bottle of pain medication on the bedside table, and a calendar with a crossed-out date indicating when they can resume working out

Managing Pain and Swelling

Post-surgery, it’s paramount for you to monitor and control pain and swelling to hasten your recovery. Pain medication should be taken according to your dentist’s instructions to alleviate discomfort.

Ice packs applied to the cheek can be your best ally against swelling: use them intermittently – 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off – during the first 24 hours.

  • Painkillers: to be taken as prescribed, don’t exceed dosage.
  • Ice Packs: 20 minutes on/off to reduce swelling.

Swelling typically peaks around two days post-surgery and then gradually subsides; it’s a sign of your body’s natural healing process. Elevating your head with extra pillows can also help manage swelling, especially when you sleep.

Diet and Oral Care Post-Surgery

In the days immediately following your oral surgery, your diet should consist of soft foods that require minimal chewing. Foods like applesauce, yogurt, and other soft delicacies help you maintain nutrition without aggravating the surgical site.

  • Soft Foods: applesauce, yogurt, etc.
  • Chewing: Avoid on the side of the surgery to prevent complications.

For oral hygiene, gentle rinsing with a warm saltwater solution or a prescribed mouthwash can help keep the area clean. Avoid using a straw for drinking and spitting vigorously to prevent dislodging the blood clots that form in the empty tooth sockets, a crucial part of the healing process.

  • Mouthwash: Use as prescribed, and gently rinse.
  • Blood Clot Protection: no straws, no vigorous spitting.

It’s crucial to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, as these can hinder your healing. Furthermore, abstaining from heavy physical activity could increase blood pressure and blood circulation to the head, potentially causing more swelling or bleeding.

  • Smoking and Alcohol: avoid completely to prevent dry sockets and other complications.
  • Rest: allow your body to heal without elevating blood pressure.

Careful attention to these post-operative practices helps you outpace potential issues such as dry sockets, excessive bruising, or prolonged numbness. Sensibly managing your recovery sets the stage for a smoother return to your everyday activities, including your workout routine!


How long can I workout after wisdom teeth removal?

It’s generally recommended to wait about a week before resuming workouts after wisdom teeth removal to allow for initial healing.

How long do you have to wait to makeout after wisdom teeth?

You should wait at least 3-4 days before making out after wisdom teeth removal to prevent infection and aid healing. 

How long are you out of work after getting wisdom teeth out?

The time off work after wisdom teeth removal varies; many people take 2-3 days off, but some may need a whole week, depending on the job’s physical demands.

How long does wisdom teeth holes take to heal?

Wisdom teeth holes typically take several weeks to heal completely, with initial closure within the first week.

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